Transitional Aged youth Seminar Series
Transitional Aged youth (Tay ages 16-24) homeless prevention seminar series

Who should attend?

For the 2024/25 school year, KSHC is partnering with Kansas McKinney Vento Liaisons to host the TAY Homeless Prevention Seminar Series in-person at their schools. At-risk students from participating school districts are encouraged to attend in-person, while students from surrounding school districts are invited to attend virtually. Parents, caregivers, youth service providers/advocates and anyone else with a vested interest in ending youth and young adult homelessness within our state is also welcome to attend virtually.
*Ages 16-24 who attend in-person or virtually will receive a $30 gift card incentive to Walmart. In-person attendees will also receive a bound hard copy of the KSHC TAY Housing Guide for youth and young adults.
*Virtual attendees will be required to provide proof of age with a valid Kansas ID or driver’s license.
To attend a seminar either in-person or virtually, please refer to the list of upcoming seminars below and click the associated link to register. If you are a McKinney Vento Liaison interested in learning more about participation or are wanting to sign up for an available date to host, please contact Lola Love-TAY training specialist directly through email at
East Central Homeless
Prevention Seminar
October 23rd at 10am

2001 Haskell Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66046
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- 785-764-9950
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