CES Access Points

 CES Access Points are defined as places-either virtual or physical-where an individual or family in need of assistance accesses the Coordinated Entry System. The KS BoS Coc’s CE process utilizes the same assessment process at all access points in order to apply a consist process throughout the CoC in order to achieve fair, equitable, and equal access to services within the community. The Coordinated Entry Committee (CEC) has approved the use of the Vulnerability Index-Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (VISPDAT) as created and owned by OrgCode Consulting, Inc..

​The CES Assessment is utilized as a triage tool intended to be used as an initial determination of potential housing and support needs for people experiencing homelessness. It includes documenting information about the barriers the person faces to being rapidly housed and any characteristics that might make the person more vulnerable while homeless. Once clients have gone through the assessment tool, they are placed on the regional CES list. The Regional Coordinator bring regional partners together to meet at least once every month to review and update the CES list, case conference, and make referrals.


The KS BoS CoC utilizes three different types of access points; partial and full access, the differences are as follows:

Partial Access Point = ability to conduct the CES assessment with households + ability to join case conferencing meetings to provide updates regarding the households you assessed/are in contact with. 

Full Access Point = ability to create HMIS profile(s) + ability to enroll in Homeless/Prevention CES + ability to conduct the CES assessment with households + ability to input CES assessment into the Clarity database + ability to join case conferencing meetings to provide updates regarding the households you assessed/are in contact with + use the check-in feature for households you have engaged with + update the notes on the CQ referral. 

Full Access Point + referral = ability to create HMIS profile(s) + ability to enroll in Homeless/Prevention CES + ability to conduct the CES assessment with households + ability to input CES assessment into the Clarity database + ability to join case conferencing meetings to provide updates regarding the households you assessed/are in contact with + use the check-in feature for households you have engaged with + update the notes on the CQ referral + ability to request a referral at CES Case Conferencing + ability to enroll households in your housing program. 

Please see the map below for our current CES Access Point partners. For more information on how to become an access point, please reach out to CES@kshomeless.com.



2001 Haskell Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66046

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