CES Access Points
CES Access Points are defined as places – virtual or physical- where an individual or family in need of assistance accesses the Coordinated Entry System. The Kansas Balance of State Continuum of Care (KS BoS CoC) launched a custom assessment on October 1, 2023. This custom assessment was created using input from providers, communities across the CoC, and those experiencing homelessness. The Coordinated Entry (CE) Committee committed to ongoing adjustments to the Assessment tool based on data and feedback.
ALL KSHC CES Access Points have the ability to conduct assessments and attend case conferencing. Some access points also have access to the HMIS database (Clarity), access points with have the ability to input enrollments and assessments directly into the database, add households to the CES list for services, and manage the CQ referral by checking in and updating the notes to ensure the household does not fall off the list while still seeking services.
Households should ensure they check in with an access point or the CES team to ensure they do not fall off they list in the HMIS database.
Please see the table below for our current CES Access Point partners. For more information on how to become an access point, visit CES Access Point Training – Kansas Statewide Homeless Coalition (kshomeless.com)
The map below is IN PROGRESS
The CES team is working on providing a more usable and accurate map of access points. KSHC will provide updates when available 🙂
KSHC is on the Unite Us Platform!
The Kansas Statewide Homeless Coalition (KSHC) is now utilizing the Unite Us platform to streamline support for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. This coordinated care network helps connect people to essential services like housing, healthcare, and employment, ensuring system-wide access to the resources they need.
We also accept referrals through Unite Us, working together with agencies across Kansas to make a greater impact.
Learn more about Unite Us: uniteus.com

2001 Haskell Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66046
Contact Us
- 785-764-9950
- staff@kshomeless.com
- KSHC Helpdesk (freshdesk.com)