Southwest Regional Planning Meeting & CES

SW Regional Planning Meeting. Meets quarterly, every three months on the second Tuesday at 10am followed by the CES meeting at 11am. In-person and zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 859 7021 3961 Passcode: 833136 In-Person Location: Catholic Charities of Southwest Kansas 804 N 2nd Dodge City, KS  

Event Series Southwest Regional Planning Meeting

Southwest Regional Planning Meeting & CES

SW Regional Planning Meeting. Meets quarterly, every three months on the second Tuesday at 10am followed by the CES meeting at 11am. In-person and zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 859 7021 3961 Passcode: 833136 In-Person Location: Catholic Charities of Southwest Kansas 804 N 2nd Dodge City, KS  

Southwest Regional Planning Meeting & CES

SW Regional Planning Meeting. Meets quarterly, every three months on the second Tuesday at 10am followed by the CES meeting at 11am. In-person and zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 859 7021 3961 Passcode: 833136 In-Person Location: Catholic Charities of Southwest Kansas 804 N 2nd Dodge City, KS