Southwest Regional Planning Meeting

SW Regional Planning Meeting. Meets quarterly, every three months on the second Tuesday at 10am followed by the CES meeting at 11am. In-person and zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 859 7021 3961 Passcode: 833136 In-Person Location: Catholic Charities of Southwest Kansas 804 N 2nd Dodge City, KS  

Event Series Southwest Regional Planning Meeting

Southwest Regional Planning Meeting

SW Regional Planning Meeting. Meets quarterly, every three months on the second Tuesday at 10am followed by the CES meeting at 11am. In-person and zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 859 7021 3961 Passcode: 833136 In-Person Location: Catholic Charities of Southwest Kansas 804 N 2nd Dodge City, KS  

Event Series Southwest Regional Planning Meeting

Southwest Regional Planning Meeting & CES

SW Regional Planning Meeting. Meets quarterly, every three months on the second Tuesday at 10am followed by the CES meeting at 11am. In-person and zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 859 7021 3961 Passcode: 833136 In-Person Location: Catholic Charities of Southwest Kansas 804 N 2nd Dodge City, KS